Some rights reserved by ErinOfEarth
Continuing from...
Build your own private cloud with Ubuntu - I
Create node for your MAAS server. You must have atleast 2 nodes before going ahead with juju setup. Go to the webpage for maas server and Click on Add nodes.
We left all the other information fields there blank except for the MAC-ADDRESS. You can get the mac address of your computer by ipconfig on windows and ifconfig on Ubuntu - Ubuntu users can do:
ifconfig | grep hwadrs
Then we went to
Thereafter we created ~/.juju/environments.yaml
vim ~/.juju/environments.yaml
Added the following details to this file
juju: environments
type: maas
maas-server: 'http://localhost:5240'
maas-oauth: '${maas-api-key}'
admin-secret: 'nothing'
Got an error default-series: missing
Added this line to the above file
default-series: 'precise'
Error Gone
juju status
New error
Juju INFO Connecting to environment... Unhandled error in Deferred: Unhandled Error
Investigated, result:
Juju packages needs to be installed from ppa:juju/pkg
Went to
removed existing juju
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install juju-core (error no package)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/devel
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install juju-core
Configuring Juju
juju generate-config -w
previously written environment.yml was moved and the changes were added to the new yml file.
error: environment has no access-key or secret-key
changed default: amazon to default: maas
juju bootsrap
error:no tools
sudo juju -v sync-tools
roshan@ubuntu-cloud:~$ sudo juju bootstrap
error: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot run instances: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 409 CONFLICT
CONFLICT from maas means that it doesn't have any nodes available for juju to acquire (juju bootstrap needs to boot a node).
It's not the best error unfortunately, juju needs fixing to show all the text. You need the server edition of 12.04
Nodes were disconnected for sometime...
Next article should have the addition of nodes...