
Friday, 8 June 2012

Introduction to algorithms by MIT

Lecture 1
This blog is an extract from MIT's Introduction to Algorithm course.

First part of the course ids focused on Analysis. Second part is focused on design i.e. before u design algorithms; you have to master and analyze a bunch of algorithms. Analysis is a theoretical study of a computer program performance and resource usage.
How to make fast and memory reliable programs?
What is more important than performance?
1.        correctness
2.        simplicity
3.        maintainability
4.        cost(programmer’s time)
5.        stability(robustness)
6.        features(functionality)
7.        modularity(changes implementation easy)
8.        security
9.        scalability
10.     user friendliness

Then, why study algorithm and performance?
Some times performance is correlated to user friendliness. Some times there are real time constraints. i.e. the software wont work untilit performs a function for a particular time. Performance measures the line between feasible and infeasible. In real time , if it is not fast enough, its as good as not functional. If it simply uses more memory, its not going to work for you.
Algorithms are at the cutting edge of entrepreneurship. If you are thinking of doing something that already exists, performance isn’t that necessary. But, if you are planning to do something’s that’s never done before, than its most important.
The reason why performance is at the bottom of the heap is because performance is just like money. What good is a $100 bill for you? Instead you would want to have food worth $100, that should be of some use to you. Performance is something you pay for. E.g you pay for user friendliness, you pay for security, etc.
So for this reason, a user may gor for JAVA instead of C for it may be slow, but it gives more functionality like exceptions, Object Orientations,etc.

Input: sequence <a1,a2,a3,….,an>of numbers
Output: permutations<a’1,a’2,a’3,…..,a’n>
Such that a’1 <= a’2 <= a’3 <= ….. <= a’n
Pseudo code:
Insertion_Sort(A,n) //Sorts A[1….n]

for j = 2 to n
                do key = A[j]
                                i = j-1
                while i>0 and A[i]>key
                                do A[i+1] = A[i]
Figure 1

                It basically takes array A[] and at any point we are running the outer loop of j from 2 to n and the inner loop that starts with i = j-1 and goes until i = 0 .  so we are looking at some element j in the algorithm, and then we pull out here a value called a key and the important thing to note is that there is an invariant that is being maintained by the loop each time through. The invariant is that the LEFT part of the array in the above figure 1 is sorted. And the goal each time through the loop is to add one to the length of the strings that are sorted. And the way we do that is we pull out the key, and we just copy the value up like the arrows shown until we find a place for the key shown and then INSERT it in that place, hence the name INSERTION SORT. Once we have arrays till j sorted we go for j+1. now let us see an example for the same.
8 2 4 9 3
2 8 4 9 3
2 4 8 9 3
2 4 8 9 3
2 3 4 8 9 sorted

Analysis of this algorithm
Running time:
  1. Depends on input. (e.g if already sorted, insertion sort has very little to do, cos every time we try to sort it would be like the step number 3 above where 9 is already sorted and was at its correct position so you don’t need to move it. Worst case is if its reverse sorted then there will be a lot of work to do, lot of shuffling to do as well.
  2. Depends on the input size. (6 elements less time 10 elements more time) so large number of elements means long time for sorting. So we handle it by:
-          parameterize things in the input size.
3. generally we want upper bound on running time i.e we want to know that the time is no more than  a certain amount reason being that represents a guarantee to the user. E.g if I tell you that there’s  aprogram that wont run more than 3 seconds, that gives you real information about how you could use it for example in a real time setting. And if I say there’s a program that goes for at least 3 seconds, it could go for years. That doesn’t give you a guarantee if you are a user.
- guarantee to the user.

Different kinds of analysis :
Worst case analysis: this is done usually
Where T(n) = maximum time on any input of size n
So as we saw running time depends on input that some times the inputs are better like in sort if already sorted less time and if reverse sorted maximum time. So we are looking at the worst case. If T(n) is not for maximum time then T(n) is a relation and not a function, because the time on input size n will depend on which input of size n, I can have many different times. But by putting a maximum at it, turns that relation into a function, cos there’s only one maximum time.
Average case analysis: this is done sometimes.
Where T(n) = expected time over all inputs of size n
What is expected time? Time of every input and average them? Time of every input times of probability that it will be there that it would occur. How do we know the probability time of every input occurs is?
Well we don’t know it.
So we need an assumption of statistical distribution of inputs. Common assumption is that all inputs are equally likely that’s called uniform distribution.
Best case analysis: bogus
Because its already done. You can cheat, it doesn’t tell u of the vast majority cases.

What is insertion sort’s worst case time?
Depends on computer you are running on.
-          Compare two algorithm for Relative speed (on same machine)
-          Absolute speed (if onde algorithm is betr than the other no matter what machine it runs on.
Asymptotic analysis: ignore machine dependent constants and look at growth of running time T(n) as n ->
Asymptotic notations
(Theta notation) q - notation:
Drop low order terms and ignore leading constants
e.g if there is a formula 3n^3+90n^2-5n+6046= q(n^3)
here n^3 is a bigger term than n^2 , n and all the leading terms thus it becomes q(n^3)

as n -> ∞ , q(n^2) algorithm always beats a q(n^3) algorithm.
n^2 will be faster than n^3
There will always be a point n0 where q(n^2) algorithm will be cheaper than q(n^3) algorithm
Insertion sort analysis
Worst case: input reverse sorted biggest element comes 1st and smallest comes last.
T(n)= S j=2 to n q(j) = q(n^2) (arithmetic series)
Is insertion sort fast? Moderately fast for small n but not for large n. Merge sort is faster instead.

Merge sort A[1….N}
1.        If n =1 done
2.         Recursively sort
A[1….[n/2]] and
3.        Merge 2 sorted lists
Key subroutine here is merge and it works like this one of them is
20 13 7 2
12 11 9 1
We look at the two sorted arrays and see where is the smallest element and now we find 1 and two are smallest so we now look for the smallest of them and place the smallest in the new list so 1 is placed in new list. Now we compare the 1st element of first list and 2nd element from second list, similarly
Time = q(n) on n total elements
Recurrence for the program
Performance of merge sort T(n) = q(1) if n=1 (omit usually),2T(n/2)+ q(n) if n>1
Recursion tree T(n)=2T(n/2)+cn const c>0
T(n) = cn - > T(n/2) 2 times