- CentOS 6.5
- Chef 11.8.2
- knife-vcloud 1.0.0
Following steps were used to complete the automation process:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/opscode/ knife-vcloud.git
cd knife-vcloud/
bundle install
gem build knife-vcloud.gemspec
gem install knife-vcloud-1.0.0.gem
gem list | grep vcloud
- See if after entering the above command you see the gem knife-cloud. If yes the setup was successful. If no something went wrong.
cd ~./chef
vim knife.rb
- add the following details to the last line of this file (Note: username is @ i.e organisation name supplied) :
knife[:vcloud_username] = "username@orgname"
knife[:vcloud_password] = "##########"
knife[:vcloud_host] = "xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com"
knife vcloud server list
- Should list all the existing servers
You can also create your own server using "knife vcloud server create" with additional parameters with caution.cd ~
git clone https://github.com/opscode/
cd knife-vcloud/
bundle install
gem build knife-vcloud.gemspec
gem install knife-vcloud-1.0.0.gem
gem list | grep vcloud
- See if after entering the above command you see the gem knife-cloud. If yes the setup was successful. If no something went wrong.
cd ~./chef
vim knife.rb
- add the following details to the last line of this file (Note: username is @ i.e organisation name supplied) :
knife[:vcloud_username] = "username@orgname"
knife[:vcloud_password] = "##########"
knife[:vcloud_host] = "xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com"
knife vcloud server list
- Should list all the existing servers
knife vcloud server create --vcpus 2 -m 1024 -I TestServer -A 'roshan' -K "MyPassword" -r 'role[webserver]' --network myNetword-id
Good Luck!!
- https://github.com/opscode/
knife-vcloud - http://blogs.clogeny.com/
category/tutorials/ - http://www.getchef.com/blog/
chefconf-talks/writing-a- knife-plugin-for-your-shiny- new-vmware-vcloud-director- based-cloud-chirag-jog/