
Saturday, 9 March 2019

DevSecOps Pune Meetup 4

9th March 2019

This is our 4th DevSecOps meetup. More and More and More swag sponsors added to the list. New sponsors: Elastic, Sonatype, Synk along with previous sponsors i.e. Polyverse and Cloudneeti already into the list. The meetup head count was usual and exact. We have been hitting the correct and intended audience.

Qualys Pune was the venue for the meetup. This is the 2nd time we organized the meetup at Qualys. We started at 10.30 am. We had a huge list of topics this time and I was pretty sure not all of them are going to get discussed since the most voted topics were very interesting. The following topics got discussed:

  • Machine Learning for Security: This topic got discussed for a good 40 minutes although none of us was an ML engineer and only understood theoretical ML concepts. The topic was chosen more for a discussion as the person suggester of the topic just had the curiosity to see if this can be done. The topic unfolded as people discussed and understood how ML works and how is it being used in the industry. Different tools like TensorFlow, Pandas, etc got discussed. Once we had a clear picture of ML, we moved to understand what security breaches we experienced in our Ops lives in industry. Based on our experience, we framed logic as to how ML algorithm could be written by Data Science engineers by studying security auth logs and application logs. We also discussed how ELK stack could be used to prove a security attack on system and further. We agreed to the part that as an Ops person we can only best provide inputs and prove security issues in systems. An ML engineer should be the best person to provide inputs on what ML algorithms could be used to mitigate security issues.
  •  Ansible for DevSecOps CI/CD pipeline: Ansible was suggested multiple times in the past meetups as well but always went not noticed and never got discussed. In this session, we started with Ansible and went on an on for a good 1 hour. We understood how Ansible is best used in different organizations. We also discussed how a bad code in Ansible can mess up and not make any difference between olden days shell script. We discussed Idempotency feature of Ansible. We also discussed as to how Ansible is being used by some firms for Provisioning, Configuration Management and Deployment altogether. We agreed how many used Puppet for multiple jobs and later moving to a different tool was difficult for them. Hence using different tools for specific different jobs could be useful. We discussed a typical CI/CD workflow with Terraform for provisioning, Ansible for CM and Fabric/Capistrano or different language specific deployment tools for easy deployments and rollbacks. We also did a small white board presentation on how CI/CD can be used for all 3 purposes. We also discussed DR strategies, Cloud managed services like auto-scaling services etc.

  • Git for securing code : The suggester was a Developer and knew exactly how was not being used in the best manner to ensure security and highlighted some best ways like code review practices, git hooks to be used in Jenkins, linting analysis using pre-commit hooks, static code analysis with SonarQube before merge. We discussed this in details already in CI/CD pipeline above as well.
  • Burpsuite :  Burpsuite was a tool that many knew but never got a chance to use as such. The suggester of the topic had extensive experience using it and spoke about multiple possibilities and usecases that could be achieved using Burpsuite. He also highlighted on how precautions need to be  taken before using this tool for testing giving examples of one of his projects. Burpsuite indeed was very interesting for many members and we decided to have a demo session on this.
Takeaways from this session for speakers to prepare were:
  •  Session required on ML in security
  • Demo on CI/CD in DevSecOps
  • Demo on Burpsuite
Many topics that did not get discussed were:
  • Nexus scan in Jenkins pipeline
  • SonarQube for secure code analysis
  • Pentesting with Python
  • IOT Security
  • Metasploit for pentesting
  • Cloud security
  • Prowler
  • Automobile software release cycle and missing lacking devops chain
  • Maven
  • Regulations
In the end Shirish wanted to highlight the recent All Intel Chips Open To New 'Spoiler' Non-Spectre Attack

Some clicks :)