
Monday, 21 January 2013

How to get a Free Teacher, Mentor, Helper Online?

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Do You Have a Mentor Yet?
ACM partners with MentorNet to develop e-mentoring relationships between students (protégés) and professionals (mentors). Founded in 1997, MentorNet now boasts 30,000mentor/protégé relationships that encourage and inspire students considering careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Students gain valuable career advice, encouragement and support from professionals who lend their expertise by helping to educate and inspire young professionals. Protégés are matched in one-on-one email relationships with mentors—from industry, academia, and government—who have relevant experience in the appropriate technology, engineering, and scientific fields. 

Check out MentorNet's newly redesigned website at and this short video for protégés, which will walk you through the steps of creating a profile and connecting with others in the MentorNet community. 

ACM Student Members can participate as protégés if they are undergraduates, graduates, post-doctoral students, or untenured faculty. For more information, go to: